UPDATE: I am sorry to say I will not be attending the Festival of the Arts this year. It was a difficult but necessary decision. I was diagnosed with breast cancer on January 20th and have been undergoing many tests to determine the extent of it. It’s early in the journey and I have Ed with me at every step of the way, so I feel very lucky.

I was so looking forward to being at Epcot and seeing many of you again. If anyone has any questions about my Festival art, please feel free to ask a Cast Member (they will have more information than me). I hope that there will be another chance for signings in the future.

Please enjoy your time, get your mammograms and hug the ones you love.


How to encapsulate what just happened is going to be difficult.

But I'll try :)

Ed and I landed to a beautiful sunny day in downtown Los Angeles on Thursday. We got our In N' Out grilled cheese, fries and Neapolitan shake fix and were enjoying the 70 degree afternoon.

We knew it wasn't going to last...

Friday morning we awoke to torrential rain. News reports of mudslides, water spouts, thunderstorms and smoldering boulders falling down the mountains. Los Angeles ended up getting 4.5" of rain.

We started to get the feeling that people might not want to venture to my show opening seeing as accidents on the freeway were happening all over the place. We wanted everyone to be safe. We wanted California to get some much needed rain. I wasn't going to be selfish and resigned myself to the fact that not a lot was going to happen that night.

During a break in the storm, we drove over to Gallery 1988. Katie and John had done a wonderful job hanging the show, I couldn't have been happier! 

A few people waited outside the closer it got to 7pm and the rain held off. Until 1 minute to 7, just before they were going to open the doors the loudest thunderclap and flash of lightening hit outside. The heavens opened up like someone just dropped a huge bucket of water over the street. I kid you not, I hadn't seen anything like it in my life.

"Quick! Get everyone inside!"

Pretty quickly red dots started to appear under the artwork. People were buying! More people started coming in, soaked to the bone and the night was off to a soggy, but awesome start. I was so touched that everyone had braved what was clearly a dangerous situation to support me. I can't thank them enough. I also want to thank the people that tried they're best to make it but couldn't due to the storm. It just means so much to me.

I got to meet so many of my fans who've supported me over the years. People who I've only know over the internet. Even got to see "Slice and Dice" tattooed on this gal's forearm - brilliant, overwhelming and super fun - many thanks Lindsey!

By the end of the night, I met so many wonderful, kind people and sold half the show. I still can't believe it.

The next day I was back at WonderGround Gallery premiering my "Stitch in Space". I was giddy to see that Stitch and his big tongue were still greeting guests in 15 ft banner form in Downtown Disney.

I was so happy to have met Gregg Visintainer, Jasmine Becket-Griffith and got to see Noah once again.

Such wonderful, kind, talented people, I felt truly honored to be sitting with them at that signing table.

Did I mention it rained? Yup, so many people braved the downpours once again to come to our event I was so touched. Thank you!

Later that afternoon we met up with our good friends and spent a quiet evening at their home with their pups watching tv. We got a good night's rest and headed back to Disneyland for a little r&r.

It poured but as we sat under an umbrella and ate warm grilled cheese sandwiches and hot tomato soup I realized that this was one of the best weekends of my life. Surrounded by wonderful people like Gallery 1988 (Jensen, Katie, John, Amber and Nikki - THANK YOU!!!), all my fans, the crew at WonderGround (Sonia and Martha thanks for everything!!!), new and old friends, I truly am blessed.

The sun finally came out, warmed us up and we had a great ending to a great adventure.

I will never forget it!

If you're interested, there are still 3 originals left as well as limited edition prints at G1988.

If you're interested in "Stitch in Space" (original, deluxe prints and postcards) then you can call 714-300-7004 – that is WonderGround's sister shop Vault 28 - and place an order over the phone or call Disney Merchandise Guest Services number at 877-560-6477.

Thanks again :D



New Stitch For WonderGround Gallery

I'm having a hard time processing what next weekend will entail. My first full gallery solo with Gallery 1988 and the very next day I'll be back signing at WonderGround Gallery in Downtown Disney.


How did this happen - to me? I've got a serious dose of imposter syndrome so I'm just waiting for someone to tap me on the back and say, 'We made a mistake - please leave.'

But before that happens, I'll show off my latest Stitch painting for WonderGround Gallery, "Stitch in Space" (can't help but yell it everytime I say it):

I always loved that scene in "Lilo and Stitch" when they're outside the grocery store. What if Stitch got in that Space Adventure ride and it really took off? I kept the background loose like a children's drawing to help emphasize that this is taking place in Stitch's imagination while rendering the ship and Stitch fully. I really had a blast with this one (pardon the pun).

This piece is 18" x 18" acrylic on cradled maple panel

For WonderGround Gallery in the Downtown Disney® District at the Disneyland® Resort in Anaheim, CA. Part of the artist showcase March 1st with the super talented Jasmine Becket-Griffith, Noah, Gregg Visintainer and me! I'll be there signing from 11am till 1pm - so if you can't make it to my solo opening the night before at Gallery 1988 c'mon down to Disneyland and say hello!

WonderGround Artwork Available

Hi everyone!

I just got back from my whirlwind trip to California and had a wonderful time meeting up with galleries and artists (my head is still spinning - or that could be the red eye we took back to NJ). The topper was walking to WonderGround Gallery thinking I would be saying goodbye to my 15ft Oswald banner, only to see my Stitch with his 3 ft tongue sticking out greeting everyone who passed by Downtown Disney.

It once again brought tears to my eyes thinking of how many people will look up at that tongue every day :D

The next morning was the signing and I got to meet so many kind people. Sitting at home, quietly painting every day I lose sight of all the people that my work will touch in the future. On Saturday I got a great big dose of happy that I'm going to stow away to remind me that I'm putting smiles on people's faces. 






 I also had the great pleasure of meeting the other artists I was signing alongside like Jeff Granito, Jeremiah Ketner, Daniel Samakow and Noah.

Speaking of Noah - that's him and I to the right after I found out he purchased my "Oh, Mr. Rabbit" painting for his daughter. Such a thrill when an amazing artist loves my work!

I love being able to talk shop with other people and hear how they created a piece while standing next to the actual piece. Watching them sketch...well, I guess I'm a big art fan just like anybody else! I was also super excited that Rich Kuoch aka PodgyPanda was attending the show and finally got to meet him in person as well. If you're not familiar with these artists I urge you to take a look at the wonderful art they create - you won't be disappointed!

          Even though the original of "Oh, Mr. Rabbit" sold they created these amazing matted prints of him (with a beautiful gold insert). They also have deluxe matted prints of Stitch (with a great rattan texture double matte) and Mickey and Minnie too!

                                                                                               You can also purchase post cards, acrylic magnets and a stretched canvas print of Stitch.

As of Sunday evening, the original paintings of Stitch ("Alelo") and Mickey and Minnie ("S.W.A.K") were still available. You can either call 714-300-7004 – that is WonderGround's sister shop Vault 28 - and place an order over the phone or call Disney Merchandise Guest Services number at 877-560-6477 or e-mail them at merchandiseguestservices@disney.go.com for these paintings, prints and other merchandise.

Once again, I feel so honored to have been a part of this amazing show and to have the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people. I'll leave you with a photo from my ride on the Disneyland Railroad.

Pop Fusion Works Revealed!

I got the go ahead to show off my latest paintings for the new Pop Fusion Exhibit at WonderGround Gallery. So here they are!

First up, is "S.W.A.K" (acrylic on cradled wood panel, 18" x 12" x 2") I know, it's not what you're used to seeing from me, but I do have soft, squishy side and when I think of Mickey and Minnie I can't help but show it a bit.

Next is "Oh, Mr. Rabbit" (acrylic on 16" round maple panel):

I had a blast working this one. "Alice in Wonderland" is not only one of my top Disney films, but one of my favorite Disney rides. In fact, the idea for this piece came to me while standing in line for the ride. I thought it would be wonderful to see the White Rabbit in his pink home, relaxed and cozy in his favorite rocking chair.

And last but not least is "Alelo" (acrylic on cradled maple panel, 18" x 14" x 1.5"):

While researching some Hawaiian phrases for my last Stitch piece I saw that alelo meant tongue. Instantly an image of Stitch with his tongue sticking out came to mind. I sketched him up on a post-it note and sent it along to WonderGround as a little joke. They couldn't stop laughing and well, here's what I get for making jokes!

People have been inquiring if they can purchase prints or merchandise without going to the gallery and the answer is: Yes! You can call 714-300-7004 – that is WonderGround's sister shop Vault 28 - and place an order over the phone.

Once again, I'm humbled by all this and get a knot in my throat when I think about it. And no - I'm not crying again, I just have something in my eye.

Come visit me on July 13th at Downtown Disney where I'll be signing and doodling for everyone that stops by.

Thanks everyone!

Sneak Peeks for WonderGround Gallery

Hi everyone - just got the OK to show teasers of all four of my pieces that will be at WonderGround Gallery on Saturday (Dec 15th). I'm pretty sure you'll notice some other favorite Disney characters that I had the pleasure of working with :) Can't wait for Saturday!