
I always loved doing research. So the fact that I have to look up photo reference for my paintings adds a bonus point to the process. Today I am researching maraschino cherries as a new painting will have one in it and I've always loved them.

Did you know that the modern maraschino cherry was developed by Ernest H. Wiegand at the
Oregon Agricultural College at Oregon State University in 1919? You can still take a class about it.

Did you know the primary flavor added to Maraschino cherries is almond if they are red and peppermint if they are green?

And (unfortunately) it is a myth that red #40 which is used to dye the cherries red is made from carmine which is derived from beetles (sorry Kevin).

And a company called Roland makes extra flavors (lemon, lime, passion fruit and wild berry), but I guess they wouldn't be considered maraschino...

I'm chilling my ginger ale for this evening to make myself a Shirley Temple (did you know that at any Disney resort they call a Shirley Temple a Mickey Mouse?)